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Fix Leaky Gutters

How to Fix Leaky Gutters Gutters are used to direct rainwater to the appropriate drainage area to avoid any damage to the house or drainage and flooding problems. However, they end up collecting all other debris that ends up falling from the roof including leaves and branches. Most homeowners tend to overlook the maintenance of […]

Frozen Downspouts

This week’s number one problem has been frozen downspouts. Weather conditions have been perfect for freezing downspouts. Once the route down is frozen, the gutters will drip over and form those pretty icicles you’ve been seeing. I have been seeing the icicles, and frozen downspouts, all over town. What can you do about this? Prevention:  […]

How Often Should Gutters Be Cleaned

How often should gutters be cleaned? It depends! Some houses can go for a couple of years between cleanings. Others need cleaning twice a year or more. Each situation is different Develop a history Starting out to find how often cleaning is needed the gutters and down spouts should be checked twice a year for […]