Lehigh Valley Painters
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Two Coats Of Paint

Two Coats of Paint Make a Big Difference

Normally, we recommend two coats of paint, the main exception being applying the same color and sheen on the existing surface. Trying to make a single coat of paint look great, especially over another color, can stretch the limits of full hiding, and the finished paint job lacks the deep, rich finish that customers want to see. With one coat of paint, it is virtually impossible not to have slight misses where the paint does not fully cover, and unsightly roller marks can show up as well.

Two Coats of Paint – Prep Work

First, let’s address the question of priming and sealing. If stains are noticeable or the old paint is cracked or flaky, it’s important to properly prepare the surfaces to be painted. Sometimes this requires a good deal of scraping, sanding and/or spackling. If you want a quality job, you need a solid foundation before painting starts. If scraping exposes bare wood or unsealed drywall, a primer coat is necessary. Primers are thinner than top-coat paints so they penetrate better, seal the substrate and contribute to improved stain blocking. If the surface to be repainted is in sound condition but just faded, marked-up, or simply in need of new color that is not too different from the original color, it’s usually fine to skip the primer application.

Two Coats of Paint Also Use Quality Paints

Open two cans of paint and they look pretty much the same, but better materials found in today’s better paints can’t be identified in the can – only on the walls.

For our customers, two coats of paint are generally the rule. Two coats of paint will always look richer and more beautiful after the paint dries. And after all, you’ve got to live with it for a long time, so you might as well really love looking at it.

Spray Painting

Spraying makes sense for large surface areas where masking is minimal. For instance, we can spray the exterior siding of a house, then repaint the trim. This significantly minimizes the amount of masking that needs to be done. In many residences, interior spraying doesn’t save enough time to warrant its use. Where spray painting makes sense, we will let you know what the benefits may be for your home.

2 Responses to “Two Coats Of Paint”

  1. […] dams in the gutters and water pouring into the house as melting snow from the heat inside works up under the roof since the ice blocks the normal flow of water off the roof. As you keep track of how much material […]

  2. […] than masking tape, making it easier to pull off. To keep stray paint from seeping underneath the painter’s tape, painters may try rapidly running a flat tool down the edges of the tape. This friction causes heat […]

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